jueves, 7 de abril de 2011

Posiblemente cierre SDSF

El famoso parque de Escondido California una de las escenas mas importantes del roller en el mundo recordando los SDSF Open, el inmortal Disaster 720 Soul de Chriss Haffey y muchos edits y recuerdos de ese parque, se ve amenazado por el director de recreación en subir el precio a la cuota de entrada de los patinadores o definitivamente cerrarlo. Esto puede causar como dicen los patinadores que vuelvan a las calles con mas frecuencia a patinar en pasamanos y tener que lidiar con guardias de seguridad que simplemente no dejen patinar ahi y aumente la rebeldia por parte de los patinadores.

Esperemos puedan llegar a un acuerdo, ya que este parque es buenísimo, tiene unas rampas gigantescas y los que no hayan ido a patinar ahi aprovechen, porque se lo pierden realmente.

ESCONDIDO, Calif. -- Escondido's recreation department may be forced to close its popular skate park to help the city balance its budget.

Recreation director Robin Bettin said Monday her office has to cut over $860,000 from its books, and the skate park has a shortfall of around $100,000. Skaters would have to pay double the price, and if that doesn't happen, the park would have to close.

"If we can't get enough kids to come at the price we have to charge and have full cost-recovery," Bettin said, "we should close it."

Skaters and bikers hope the doomsday scenario doesn't take place.

"If you want to see kids skating in front of your office buildings or shredding where security guards don't want us to shred, I guess shut it down," explained skater Zig Short.

"I think it's the dumbest idea ever," said fellow skater Ian Fujimoto, "I'd rather have them charge us more to come here than close it down."

Bettin said there are other cuts on the table, including possibly closing a pool and raising fees for several programs around the city.

A clearer budget picture should be presented to the city council in late April.

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

traducelo kb!!!!!!!!!

Anónimo dijo...

no explico que tienen que recortar fondos para poder comprar libros!! jaja