martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

Que ya no soy PROOOO!!!!

Hola pues de mitote en mitote les tenemos una carta de Mike "murda" Jhonson, conocido por su larga trayectoria en Razors, Jug, CO, y otras marcas y en videos como en Icons, the truth, Uncloned entre otras.

Mike nos comenta como desde hace aproximadamente un año el dejo el rollerblading profesional, es decir dejar de recibir dinero por hacerlo, y esto no quiere decir que haya dejado el rollerblading, no, simplemente lo retomara como cuando empezó patinando de niño, solo por diversión y por hacer lo que a uno le gusta sin compromisos ni estrés.

Probablemente muchos piensan que patinar profesionalmente es algo unico y que cualquiera que lo dejara es un loco, el punto es que patinar para una marca o algún proyecto en especial implica un compromiso grande y mayor dedicación que la que normalmente haces, afectan varios factores como la preocupación por tu nivel, obtener buenos lugares en las competencias y tener que estar sacando clips para los videos frecuentemente, y a esto es a lo que Murda se refiere, en pocas palabra el ya no siente ni cree que tenga la necesidad y el nivel para patinar profesionalmente, y vaya se entiende.

Personalmente creo que son las etapas por la que los rollers en general pasan, uno queda profundamente enamorado del deporte, pero el tiempo siempre hace su parte y la etapa del gran apogeo roller pasa a otro nivel para atender ciertas responsabilidades que serán de gran importancia en el futuro personal, eso si sin dejar de patinar por diversión, por el simple echo de sentir el rodar de tus llantas y el viento en tu rostro al deslizarte por los barandales, por que nada te va a quitar el echo de haber conocido tantos amigos rollers y tantos lugares que a final de cuentas aunque dejes de patinar siempre queda la amistad y el buen recuerdo de las experiencias que no cualquiera vive.

Y dejándonos de cursilerias y limpiándose los mocos les dejo aquí la publicación echa por Murda:

I’m gonna nip this before this becomes something else….

I AM NO LONGER A “PROFESSIONAL” skater. Meaning…I don’t ride for anyone, I don’t skate contest (never did really anyway), I don’t have to film sections if i don’t want to, I don’t have to travel to places if i don’t want to, and I can wear ANY products i would like to ride/ wear.

Razors and I split ways being that I haven’t skated “Professionally” in over a year and I have a steady job which keeps me from skating everyday. I’m simply not available enough to be a “Pro” Skater.

The people on the team, (Dre, Aragon, Julian) are my best friends / family.They will always be my friends with or without skating and I will always chill with them. Same goes to anyone thats become my friend through skating.

I will always skate because it is an extension of myself and i will continue drop some sections if i feel the need to. But from now on in my life, skating will just be a PLEASURE for me and not business / a job. (Not saying that it is for anyone else, Just speaking for myself). Along this long journey in my “Career” of skating things changed drastically from pleasure to business. I just would like to skate for fun again like it was in NYC when i was kid.

Hope I cleared it up and there’s no hostility.

Don’t get me wrong, being pro in skating is exclusive! I’ve traveled to so many places, learned so much and met so many good friends its made me evolve as a person. Had I not skated, I wouldn’t be the man i am today. It was just my particular roll as a pro that made it very business like and tiresome. It came to a point where if i wore a certain pair of sneakers or said certain things, i had to answer to people. And if you know me i speak my mind and do as i please. I’m the type of pro where, if you look up to me I’m not going to filter myself or act like someone else. If you love me you love me, if you hate me then skip my section or don’t talk to me. No biggie. But i will always be myself.

In a nut shell it was a combination of things. My injuries for one, to which made people doubt my abilities as a skater and they showed their true colors. That is what made think whats next in my life? I need a plan B. Then all the politics in skating I just got tiresome of it. So now I’m in a position where I don’t need to skate for money anymore and i can just enjoy the pleasure of it. So why not? Why not go back to when it was just fun to session with your boys. Not stress to get clips for a section because if you don’t your check will get cut. Ya dig?

So don’t get me wrong. Being a pro and being a skater in general is the shit. Its just all about your perception on it and how you go about it. This is just MY story. Everyone is different and everyone can change everything.

Ya boy, Murda.

More Mike Johnson Media:

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